Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nabard Fitness Systems

As mentioned in my first post, Nabard Fitness Systems was developed to support the unique physical demands of the Nabard Combat System developed by Marco Safakhoo. As any practitioner of Nabard Combat Systems will tell you, this system is demanding and requires physical abilities not typically emphasized in other martial arts or combat systems. The Nabard Combat System utilizes a multitude of movements and positions which have a variety of full range of motion and flexibility requirements. As a practitioner advances in this system these requirements become even more important.

Having said this, the need for a supportive fitness system was always an important and desired part of the overall Nabard Combat System. Over the years a number of exercises and devices were implemented into Safakhoo's training classes. Any practitioner can tell you that each session in the Nabard Combat System is different from the last and you never know what you are going to do. Typical Nabard Combat System training includes fitness, which is an integral component of our system.

Many of you have likely seen those instructors and students in other settings which are overweight and lack flexibility. This is not the case within our system due to the built-in fitness requirements utilized dailiy. Even new students quickly begin noticing changes in themselves as do their family members, friends, and coworkers.

- Now for Nabard Fitness Systems -

Through the years many different methods and tools were developed and used within Safakhoo's academies. Each of them became integrated into greater more encompassing devices and routines. All of them, which will receive a future post I'm sure, are important in the development of the Nabard Fitness Systems Log Training exercises.

Nabard Fitness Systems Log Training is Raw, Natural, Fitness at its best. Utilizing a full spherical range of motion, Log Training engages your body core during each exercise as well as other major and minor muscle groups. Key to this success is the emphasis on the minor or assistor muscles which are necessary for proper balance of your body and the log(s). No matter which particular exercise is being utilized, the practitioner is engaged on multiple levels.

After implementing Log Training into his Nabard Combat System sessions, Safakhoo quickly realized that people outside of the typical Nabard Combat System classes could benefit greatly as well. So special Log Training classes were scheduled and opened up to people outside of his Nabard Combat System classes. We currently have 1 hour classes four times a week and if class sizes continue to grow additional class times will become necessary. While our classes are 1 hour long, a user outside of our academy can achieve great results in shorter time durations with a home set of Logs.

Not detailed so far in my posts, are the Nabard Fitness Systems Logs. My next few posts will focus on each of them and provide more information on their revolutionary design, which has been submitted for patent.

Stay tuned for more information on the unique and revolutionary design of the Nabard Fitness Systems Log.

1 comment:

  1. Log training has been a great way to add variety to my exercise regiment. I run about 15 miles per week, but like to mix in weight training about twice per week. Log training combines weight training and cardio exercise into one class. This has been a great compliment to distance running.

    Mike Burkholder
